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Since its inception in 1970, LaGrange Academy has been governed by a Board of Trustees. As outlined in the school’s Bylaws, the Board’s main areas of responsibility are:

Safeguard the School’s Mission
Guide the School’s Strategic Direction
Ensure the School’s Financial Sustainability
Hire the Head of School to operate the school.
The Board delegates all administrative decisions and functions to the Head of School.

As directed by the Bylaws, the Board meets at least five times yearly and comprises 12-21 volunteer members nominated by the Committee of Trustees and elected by the full Board. Trustees serve terms of three years and can be renewed by the Board for up to three consecutive terms or nine total years.  Trustees are selected for the particular skills, areas of expertise, or experience they can bring to the board’s effort to fulfill its responsibilities. Per the ByLaws, current parents will comprise as close to 50% of the Board as possible.


To facilitate work in key areas, the Board has several standing committees, which meet as needed throughout the year. The present committees include:

Advancement Committee 
Committee on Trustees
Executive Committee
Assets Committee
Special Task Forces as needed

2024-2025 Board Members

Thelon Hamby- President

Al Zachary- Vice-President

Brian Allardice- Secretary

Dan Breland- Treasurer

Conner Smith- Emeritus


George Baker

Grant Cagle

Andre Feria

Chase Hudson

Anna Kao

Jessica Jarvholm

Madhavi Naik

Chris Smith

Chuck Newman


John Mehaffey - Ex-Officio

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